Maimaimaigoen (Maigoen for Short) is a multimedia project by Sanrio about "growing pains of the heart". It follows 16 nursery schoolers and their 2 teachers as they get transported to a strange amusement park "Yuropia" during a visit to Sanrio Puroland for a field trip. They encounter a strange creature, "Froggy Egg", who tells them they can only return to their world by collecting 10 medals by challenging the park's various attractions...

As a multimedia project, Maigoen has a game, a manga and multiple music videos by Vocaloid producers such as Kairiki Bear, Hiiragi Kirai and Chinozo.

The simplest way I could describe Maigoen is "An amusement park death game with nursery schoolers by Sanrio". Yes. By Sanrio. The Hello Kitty company. A death game. by the Hello Kitty company. It's still insane to me.

They have even poked fun at this dissonance.

Sourced from @maigoenwiki on Twitter. Full 4koma there..

I discovered Maigoen while looking through the site of a developer I liked. I noticed on their homepage they were working on the game for Maigoen and also saw that it was an official Sanrio thing. So I became curious and looked into the it.

As I am writing this, I have not seen everything that Maigoen has to offer but I wanted to share it on my page due to the whole "Sanrio Death Game" thing. There's just something... darkly humorous about that to me and I wanted to share it as a result. I have only read the manga up to the point it has been translated, watched some of the music videos and seen a bit of the game so I'm far from an expert.

Maigoen has not been translated in any official capacity to my knowledge, but there are fantranslations of the manga and a video playthrough of the game on Youtube but not much else it seems. (There is no playable version of the game translation due to guidelines prohibiting modification, so the translators made a video playthrough instead. Don't bother/ask/offer them to make one.)

If you want to get into Maigoen, I'd personally recommend reading the manga to try it and if you enjoy the manga to watch the translated video playthrough. Listening to the songs could potentially be done at any point and are fun to listen to after knowing what they are about and how they relate to the characters.

It is important to know that Maigoen is quite dark for a Sanrio thing.

There is no blood and guts, and the horror aspects are more psychological in nature. Even if most of the characters are nursery schoolers, they do not hesitate to make them endure dark stuff or even kill them.

As I mentioned there are a few ways to see what Maigoen has to offer in English. I will list them here.